How to identity top quality eyewear ?

In current market of eyewear, the eyewear supplier and distributing enterprises are quite many; sunglasses, acetate eyewear, metal eyewear , optical frames styles are diverse, quality levels various. It’s always difficult for customers to choose. So how to choose a good quality eyewear? Hereby, As a top quality lamination acetate eyewear supplier we make a brief introduction as follows:
First, look at the surface. Try to choose the eyewear for which the lenses surface is clear, shiny, of no scratches, bumps, corrosion and other problems.

Second, look at the marks. Frames (metal frames and acetate frames) from regular eyewear factories, except printing the number, size, dimensions, but also need printing the trademarks (Pinyin or English). And the printing is clear, unlike some no-name’s shoddy products.

Third, look at the structure. Pull the frames’ two temples; put the frames on the eyewear or tables flatly. The frames and temples should be tilted 10 to 12 degrees angle; two rims shall be the same large, the temples shall be of the same length, the nose pads shall be of the same height, the temples shall touch on the same surface.
Fourth, look at the joint point; check whether the hinges between frames and temples fit or not. Metal frames have a lot of welding points. We should check whether these welding points firm and clean.
aoker eyewear
Fifth, testing frame’s material. When choosing metal frames, using hands to bend the rings or temples a little, and test the degree of hardness. Some are made of copper, stainless steel and iron. Top grade eyewear are made of nickel alloy which has high strength and flexibility, can be worn long time without distortion. When choosing fiber frame and plastic frame( injection sunglasses and acetate sunglasses), should select flexible material.

Sunglasses and Optical frame, although they are two different kinds of eyewear, but the identifying way are almost the same.

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