How to choose buffalo horn eyewear colors

Usually, Buffalo horn eyewear colors are made from three different types of cattle:
Ox horn(Bos taurus horn)
Water buffalo horn (Bubalus bubalus horn)
Yak horn(Bubalus bubalus horn)

Ox horn
Ox horn is a yellow transparent color, mix more or less black or brownish red blood textures and patterns. Present buffalo horn eyewear colors are yellow, dark brown and light brown.
Ox has a wide distribution, heads up, such as various, and working cattle, mainly in China and Japan, most closely associated with human life.

Water buffalo horn
Water buffalo horn is a bright black color, shininess, mixed more or less white textures and patterns. Good horn feels warm and thick, smaller fibrous, delicate texture, bright color. Present final Buffalo horn eyewear colors are jet-black, black and white horn.

Yak horn
Yak grows at more than 3000 meters above sea level plateau and high-cold Qinghai-Tibet plateau, Yak growth cycle is much longer than Ox and water buffalo cattle, so the point density, hardness, toughness is much more durable, which includes protein fiber component the effect for produce buffalo horn eyewear is one of the best. Present final Buffalo horn eyewear colors are milk white horn.
Buffalo horn color

Natural buffalo horn is above 6 colors, which present buffalo horn eyewear colors are yellow, dark brown and light brown, jet-black, black and white, milk white horn.

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